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Nani Become a Director…!

nani123Gone are the days when an individual from one craft in the film industry sticks to it only. Many are attempting different crafts of cinema and want to increase their potential and chances for more offers. Now, it is heard that even hero Nani has joined that list with the buzz that he might get into direction.

According to filmnagar folks, it is heard that Nani is participating in every stage of the shaping up of his new film ‘Paisa’. Sources say he is showing interest in editing, poster design, just like how JD Chekravarthy used to do. Earlier, Nani worked as an assistant director with the legendary Bapu for the film ‘Radha Gopalam’.

Buzz is that he has a strong desire to become a director and for ‘Paisa’ he is reportedly acting like an associate director cum hero. Filmnagar sources and Krishna Vamsi (director of ‘Paisa’) camp say very soon Nani will get into direction. If that is true then it will be interesting to see how Nani will balance both roles.